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Climate Science and Politics
Basic Introduction to Greenhouse Warming
The Risks of Surprises due to Climate Feedback Processes
The Scale of Emissions Reduction Required
Solutions to the Problem
The Climate Convention Process
Ecobalance of the "Climate Train"
(Global warming impact of journey Europe - Japan by train+boat compared to flying)
Train and Ferry:
Calculation method
Data for energy used by Trans-Siberian
Results of the calculations
Aircraft and global warming
Specific energy consumption
Greenhouse effects of other pollutants
Summarizing results
Additional Notes
Policy Options to Solve the problem
Technical Improvements
Regulation of Emissions
Charges on Emissions
How the "Climate Train" came about
Ben Matthews tells the story of how it came to be organised
Early ideas
Settling the route and arranging meetings
Finding people to join us
Finding money
Obtaining visas
Why "Scientists for Global Responsibility" became the key organisation
Final details
Note about the email discussion list
The Participants of the Climate Train
Schedule of the Climate Train
Map of the route
Life on the Climate Train
On Trains across Russia
General Impressions
Food on the train
Communication while travelling
Crossing the border
Life in China
On the Ferry
Kobe and Bicycle journey
In our Temple in Kyoto
Workshops while Travelling
Mobile Meetings
Finding a common climate policy for the COP
Climate Meetings with Local People along the Route
Novosibirsk Conference
Conference in Agrometeorological Institute
Meeting with "Friends of Nature"
Kobe Genki Village
Climate train contribution to COP3
Lobbying inside the Convention
The Climate Train Stall
Climate Train Presentation on 1st December
International day of action on air-travel
Climate Train Statement to COP3
Other Activities in the COP
Meetings with Ministers
Contraction and Convergence
The Risks of Climate Engineering
Climate Train Activities in Kyoto city
Summary of the Kyoto protocol
Media Reporting of the Climate Train
Press Releases
Coverage in Newspapers and Journals
Television and Radio Coverage
Film of The Climate Train
Future projects inspired by the Climate Train
Siberian Scientists For Global Responsibility
The Climate Ship
"Ecotravel" book
Funding and budget
Travel costs
Non-travel costs
Donations in kind
Voluntary work
Comment on the cost of rail travel
Bureaucratic Barriers to sustainable travel
Russian Visas
Chinese visas
Japanese visas
Other visa issues
Evaluation and conclusion
Did we meet the specific aims of the Climate Train?
Some personal views from participants
What did the participants feel they achieved and how has the Climate Train inspired them?
What prevented us from achieving more?
Some new personal perspectives on Climate Change after the experience of the Climate Train
What Did the Climate Train Think of COP 3?
Conclusion: Did we help to "Save the Climate"?
Contact Information
Climate Train Home